I have traveled with him for a week, unhurried, with such a calmness. 'You are much more than what you think you are, and you can achieve more than you are achieving now', said Hans to Tiya and that made all the difference.Though not a great expert in art of reading, I write this to just say about a book I read. Though super fictional, it has simply but sharply conveyed about humanism though being genre under spirituality. Tiya flies through many personalities or character masks I would say, making us understand how we and people around us put up ourself to the world but how our inner sense longs to be aloof from this 'mayas'!!
The author Samarpan seems to have lived and living his life seeking for the truth of the soul and this book must be a outcome of it. Some books create a deep impact right as a pointed rock on your mind, but so gently and peacefully, still not influencing your originality. One such book is this Tiya. Tiya takes you along through the world of people we confront daily as a hotch-potch. Everyone should read and fly with Tiya once, to sway through the soul of the world's untrue realities and to attain an unnamed calmness. I wish and suggest one should read it in a slow pace, prolonged atleast over a week's time, to imbibe the pleasure it would give you. Sit in a corner of your home ans start your flight with him, TIYA. You will feel like your eyes are closed and as you travel through a fresh salubrious air upon peaceful hills. I swear, I felt so till the last page of it and magically, yet when I write this. Enjoy reading!!
[N.B: this is solely based on my view for this book.]
Have a Happy day!!